Friday, January 26, 2007

First written update from my bro (Status Update 1)

I know some of you might be interested in knowing how my bro is doing so i'm going to post most of the info he sends out to the family on here. If you will recieve it in the mail checking here will probably get the info more quickly. If you haven't given your address to him for sending updates then this might be your only option. I have left out the portion that is a journal. If you are interested in that part (some is good and tells of his drive accross country) post a comment or send an email etc. Well anyway here is his "Status Update":

Dear Friends and Family,
As of Friday January 12th (approximately 9:30pm local time), I have arrived safely in Eugene, Oregon. I'm here for many reasons, but the one that is most relevant is isolation. I'm not giving out my direct address because I do not wish to receive any "care packages." I'd also like to limit the timeframe of incoming letters to once a month. So I'm asking that if anyone wants to reach me, they send (paper) letters to my "terrific" UncleNormally I'd use the term "great," but I'm afraid he might think I'm subtly calling him "elderly."

I've sought this isolation for a very particular purpose; I intend to write a book. I figure some of you may be mildly interested in following along with the agony I go through, attempting to accomplish *something* with my life. This is the first in a series of what I like to call "status updates." I will write one approximately every two weeks.

On to the actual status of the book...I have nothing. Well I came with about 60 pages of notes, read them, and threw most of them away. Since I've been thinking about this off and on for about 5 years now, the story has evolved. Most of what I've written, while thought provoking, doesn't really fit the story or the characters anymore. So as far as writing is concerned, I'll have to start from scratch, with a new outline. Since memory isn't linear, I've had trouble trying to write a chronological outline. I've purchased some index cards on which to write the major events. When I feel I've got most of them completed, I'm going to try to sort them in what makes sense chronologically.

So you're probably wondering why I haven't done that by now, if I already have a plan. I've been watching a lot of TV. We weren't supposed to have cable here, and we still aren't paying for it. On a positive note, I've also figured out how to write a shell script to archive the photos from my digital camera. Unfortunately I didn't take many since I didn't have that script earlier. I'm not sure whether to thank my brother for that or complain to him.

I can still tell you what happened on my trip; just can't prove it without the pictures. It also won't be as colorful.

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