Wednesday, October 12, 2005


In my effort to include different topics i will mention that I practiced the guitar for a while tonight. I found a finger strengthening exercise and i'm not sure how much of it i will continue to do, but i did notice that i was straining with a bit of it. I want to ensure that i am using proper technique before i continue stressing my hand though. I've been noticing that most of the music i have is electric guitar. I'm not saying that i want to get an electric, but it has made me try harder at making sure i know what i'm doing before working on just learning song after song (perhaps with poor technique). I know guitar is an instrument that lots of people learn on their own, but I still feel that if it is worth doing at all, it is worth doing it right. It is amazing how much easier a G chord or an F chord is now that i've built up callouses and done a little practice. Hopefully i will be able to switch chords while strumming soon. I sometimes can depending on what chords they are, but that is obviously an important thing to be able to do every time.

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