Thursday, October 13, 2005

Is anybody out there?

It doesn't appear that many people are looking at my sight lately. Now i realize there could be many reasons for this, but I hope that my effort to continue updating doesn't go completely un-noticed. The possible reasons that i can think of off the top of my head are:

  1. it is the middle of the week, lay off, i will check all your entries this weekend
  2. you are really boring, do you actually expect people to read this?
  3. i'm too busy with my activities to really care about yours
  4. you have a blog?

I'm sure there are many others, and if you do happen to read this, please leave a comment about what you think the reason is or perhaps the reason you don't come more often.


Anonymous said...

I'd say most people would give reason #3 or #4. Most people enjoy wasting time reading trivial things on the 'net, like this, as well as enjoy peering into other peoples' private lives even if it's just minor things like what you post. I'm guilty of both, I suppose. And then most people probably have never seen your blog, or would ever find it on their own. Welcome to the world of "personal" web pages.

Anonymous said...

sorry. i don't care enough to read about my own life, let alone anyone else's. but i caught up this weekend. anyway....keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

i read it =)